
Tuesday, October 18

Gentiles, Jedis, and Bad Women

We were watching a webstreaming of the Feast of Tabernacles gathering in Jerusalem.  Angus Buchan, from the movie “Faith Like Potatoes” was preaching in his strong accent but the children didn’t seemed to be phased until...he said “to the gentiles.”

Aryelle perked up and said, “Mamita, did he just say Jedis?  Is Jesus going to make us Jedis?”

Ha!  Well, not exactly...

Then about an hour later, Levi said, “Mamita, that man’s wife is very bad.”

I looked at him with a confused look as I heard Angus speaking very highly of his wife, how she is a woman of prayer and watches over their household and all the orphans they have adopted.  

Then Levi said in a very concerned voice, “but he said she’s the mala of the family!”  I had to laugh because mala does mean bad or evil in Spanish.  However, Angus' actual words were “She’s the mada (imagine mother with a very strong accent...hehe) of my family!

Earlier that afternoon, the children and I had a big discussion about how we don’t assume everything on movies is acceptable to say (after playfully calling Papito an idiot... big oops!  Still trying to figure out where that one came from.)  Anyway, glad they really took that discussion to heart.  hehe

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